18 research outputs found

    A Maple interface for computing variational symmetries in optimal control

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    A computer algebra package, for the automatic computation of variational symmetries in optimal control, was recently developed by the authors [2,3]. Now we present a graphical user interface which permit to interact, in a point-and-click environment, with all the previous symbolical tools

    Computation of conservation laws in optimal control

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    Making use of a computer algebra system, we define computational tools to identify symmetries and conservation laws in optimal control

    Computação de simetrias variacionais e optimização da resistência aerodinâmica newtoniana

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    Neste trabalho exploram-se alguns dos actuais recursos de computação científica no contexto da optimização estática e dinâmica. Começa-se por propor um conjunto de procedimentos computacionais algébricos que permitem automatizar todo o processo de obtenção de simetrias e leis de conservação, quer no contexto clássico do cálculo das variações, quer no contexto mais abrangente do controlo óptimo. A utilidade do package de funções desenvolvido é demonstrada com a identificação de novas leis de conservação para alguns problemas do controlo óptimo conhecidos na literatura. Estabelece-se depois uma relação entre as simetrias variacionais do controlo óptimo e as simetrias de equações diferenciais ordinárias. A partir dessa relação, deduz-se um método construtivo, alternativo aos já existentes, para obtenção de simetrias nesta segunda classe de problemas. Numa segunda parte do trabalho, investigam-se, com recurso a simulações computacionais, formas de corpos não convexos que maximizem a sua resistência aerodinâmica quando se desloquem em meios rarefeitos e, simultaneamente, exibam um ligeiro movimento rotacional. É obtido um importante resultado original para o caso bidimensional. Trata-se de uma forma geométrica que confere ao corpo uma resistência muito próxima do seu limite teórico (R=1.4965<1.5). In this thesis some of the scientific computational resources are explored in the context of static and dynamic optimization. A set of analytical computational tools is proposed in order to allow the identification, in an automatic way, of variational symmetries and conservation laws in the calculus of variations and optimal control. The usefulness of the developed routines is showed with the identification of new conservation laws to concrete optimal control problems found in the literature. A relationship between the variational symmetries of optimal control and the symmetries of ordinary differential equations is established. Based in this relationship, a constructive method is created for the purpose of getting the symmetries in this second class of problems. Finally, we investigate, by means of computational simulations, shapes of nonconvex bodies that maximize resistance to its motion on a rarefied medium, considering that bodies are moving forward and at the same time slowly rotating. An important result is obtained for the two-dimensional case which consists of a geometric shape that confers to the body a resistance very close to the supremum value (R = 1.4965 < 1.5). Some results of the thesis are available in the English language in the following references: the research reports [29, 35, 37, 79], the poster [36], the conference proceedings with referee [34] and the refereed journals [31, 32, 38, 80]

    Spinning rough disc moving in a rarefied medium

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    We study the Magnus effect: deflection of the trajectory of a spinning body moving in a gas. It is well known that in rarefied gases, the inverse Magnus effect takes place, which means that the transversal component of the force acting on the body has opposite signs in sparse and relatively dense gases. The existing works derive the inverse effect from nonelastic interaction of gas particles with the body. We propose another (complementary) mechanism of creating the transversal force owing to multiple collisions of particles in cavities of the body surface. We limit ourselves to the two-dimensional case of a rough disc moving through a zero-temperature medium on the plane, where reflections of the particles from the body are elastic and mutual interaction of the particles is neglected. We represent the force acting on the disc and the moment of this force as functionals depending on ‘shape of the roughness’, and determine the set of all admissible forces. The disc trajectory is determined for several simple cases. The study is made by means of billiard theory, Monge–Kantorovich optimal mass transport and by numerical methodsFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Uma forma bidimensional que maximiza a resistência aerodinâmica newtoniana

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    In a previous work [18, 19] it is investigated, by means of computational simulations, shapes of nonconvex bodies that maximize resistance to its motion on a rare ed medium, considering that bodies are moving forward and at the same time slowly rotating. Here the previous results are improved: we obtain a two-dimensional geometric shape that confers to the body a resistance very close to the supremum value (R = 1:4965 < 1:5). Um corpo bidimensional, apresentando um ligeiro movimento rotacional, desloca-se num meio rarefeito de partículas que colidem com ele de uma forma perfeitamente elástica. Em investigações que os dois primeiros autores realizaram anteriormente [18, 19], procuraram-se formas de corpos que maximizassem a força de travagem do meio ao seu movimento. Dando continuidade a esse estudo, encetam-se agora novas investigações que culminam num resultado que representa um grande avanço qualitativo relativamente aos então alcançados. Esse resultado, que agora se apresenta, consiste numa forma bidimensional que confere ao corpo uma resistência muito próxima do seu limite teórico. Mas o seu interesse não se fica pela maximização da resistência newtoniana; atendendo às suas características, apontam-se ainda outros domínios de aplicação onde se pensa poder vir a revelar-se de grande utilidade. Tendo a forma óptima encontrada resultado de estudos numéricos, é objecto de um estudo adicional de natureza analítica, onde se demonstram algumas propriedades importantes que explicam em grande parte o seu virtuosismo

    Uma forma bidimensional que maximiza a resistência aerodinâmica newtoniana

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    In a previous work [18, 19] it is investigated, by means of computational simulations, shapes of nonconvex bodies that maximize resistance to its motion on a rare ed medium, considering that bodies are moving forward and at the same time slowly rotating. Here the previous results are improved: we obtain a two-dimensional geometric shape that confers to the body a resistance very close to the supremum value (R = 1:4965 < 1:5). Um corpo bidimensional, apresentando um ligeiro movimento rotacional, desloca-se num meio rarefeito de partículas que colidem com ele de uma forma perfeitamente elástica. Em investigações que os dois primeiros autores realizaram anteriormente [18, 19], procuraram-se formas de corpos que maximizassem a força de travagem do meio ao seu movimento. Dando continuidade a esse estudo, encetam-se agora novas investigações que culminam num resultado que representa um grande avanço qualitativo relativamente aos então alcançados. Esse resultado, que agora se apresenta, consiste numa forma bidimensional que confere ao corpo uma resistência muito próxima do seu limite teórico. Mas o seu interesse não se fica pela maximização da resistência newtoniana; atendendo às suas características, apontam-se ainda outros domínios de aplicação onde se pensa poder vir a revelar-se de grande utilidade. Tendo a forma óptima encontrada resultado de estudos numéricos, é objecto de um estudo adicional de natureza analítica, onde se demonstram algumas propriedades importantes que explicam em grande parte o seu virtuosismo

    Modelling academic dropout in computer engineering using arti cial neural networks

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    School dropout in higher education is an academic, economic, political and social problem, which has a great impact and is difficult to resolve. In order to mitigate this problem, this paper proposes a predictive model of classification, based on artificial neural networks, which allows the prediction, at the end of the first school year, of the propensity that the computer engineering students of a polytechnic institute in the interior of the country have for dropout. A differentiating aspect of this study is that it considers the classifications obtained in the course units of the first academic year as potential predictors of dropout. A new approach in the process of selecting the factors that foreshadow the dropout allowed isolating 12 explanatory variables, which guaranteed a good predictive capacity of the model (AUC = 78.5%). These variables reveal fundamental aspects for the adoption of management strategies that may be more assertive in the combat to academic dropout.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computing ODE Symmetries as Abnormal Variational Symmetries

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    We give a new computational method to obtain symmetries of ordinary differential equations. The proposed approach appears as an extension of a recent algorithm to compute variational symmetries of optimal control problems [Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 5 (2005), no. 4, pp. 387-409], and is based on the resolution of a first order linear PDE that arises as a necessary and sufficient condition of invariance for abnormal optimal control problems. A computer algebra procedure is developed, which permits to obtain ODE symmetries by the proposed method. Examples are given, and results compared with those obtained by previous available methods

    Prediction of academic dropout in a higher education institution using data mining

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    Este estudo propõe dois modelos preditivos de classificação que permitem identificar, logo no final do 1º e do 2º semestres escolares, os estudantes de licenciatura de uma instituição de ensino superior mais propensos ao abandono académico. A metodologia proposta, que combina 3 algoritmos populares de data mining, como são as random forest, as máquinas de vetores de suporte e as redes neuronais artificiais, para além de contribuir para a assertividade da previsão, permite identificar por ordem de relevância os principais fatores que prenunciam o abandono académico. Os resultados empíricos demonstram ser possível reduzir para cerca de 1/4 as 4 dezenas de potenciais preditores do abandono, e mostram serem essencialmente dois, do contexto curricular do estudante, a explicarem essa propensão. Esse conhecimento revela-se de importância primordial para que os agentes de gestão possam adotar as medidas e decisões estratégicas mais propícias à diminuição dos índices de evasão discente.This study proposes two predictive models of classification that allow to identify, at the end of the 1st and 2nd semesters, the undergraduate students of a higher education institution more prone to academic dropout. The proposed methodology, which combines 3 popular data mining algorithms, such as random forest, support vector machines and artificial neural networks, in addition to contributing to predictive performance, allows to identify the main factors behind academic dropout. The empirical results show that it is possible to reduce to about 1/4 the 4 tens potential predictors of dropout, and show that there are essentially two predictors, concerning student’s curriculum context, that explain this propensity. This knowledge is useful for decision-makers to adopt the most appropriate strategic measures and decisions in order to reduce student dropout rates.Este trabalho foi suportado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) através do Projeto UID/EEA/04131/2019. Agradece-se igualmente ao IPB, e em particular ao seu pró-presidente para os Sistemas de Informação, Prof. Doutor Albano Alves, pela disponibilização dos dados analisados no presente estudo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Two-dimensional body of maximum mean resistance

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    A two-dimensional body, exhibiting a slight rotational movement, moves in a rarefied medium of particles which collide with it in a perfectly elastic way. In previously realized investigations by the first two authors, Plakhov & Gouveia (2007, Nonlinearity, 20), shapes of nonconvex bodies were sought which would maximize the braking force of the medium on their movement. Giving continuity to this study, new investigations have been undertaken which culminate in an outcome which represents a large qualitative advance relative to that which was achieved earlier. This result, now presented, consists of a two-dimensional shape which confers on the body a resistance which is very close to its theoretical supremum value. But its interest does not lie solely in the maximization of Newtonian resistance; on regarding its characteristics, other areas of application are seen to begin to appear which are thought to be capable of having great utility. The optimal shape which has been encountered resulted from numerical studies, thus it is the object of additional study of an analytical nature, where it proves some important properties which explain in great part its effectiveness.Comment: Accepted (April 16, 2009) for publication in the journal "Applied Mathematics and Computation